Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Plugging right along....

We just began our 4th week of school! My how time is flying by!

So far, everything is working, no major changes are really needed but I have made a few tweaks here and there. I planned a 5 day school week that we usually finish in 4 with a couple things left over for Dad on the weekend.

This year, I am more sure of our decision to homeschool. Things are a bit easier, I am more confident. I can see the results in just 4 weeks with David's improvement in handwriting and reading skills. I am also very happy and grateful that I am able to stay home and school my children. They are thriving with activities like baseball, ballet, tap, and Cub Scouts! Field trips abound and most of all, we have the time together for them to learn the values we want them to carry forward.

What we are really enjoying:
Road Trip USA from I really love that it was one stop shopping except for the photocopying bill, lol! But, it is EASY to use and the kids really like it. My focus is on learning the 50 states and their capitals. We are using this song from Anamaniacs and it is fun to sing! I like Road Trip and will probably use it again in a few years and teach more of the history as my little ones don't quite grasp it all. But, hey, 1 price and I will use it for 2 years, at least!

Math U See is really making math fun for David. Last year, I learned that David is a tactile learner and Math U see fits the bill! He is not just memorizing like last year but actually understanding the concepts. We had to move a bit slow at the beginning while we both adjusted to the program but now, he looks forward to math!

Repeating Sonlight K Science has proved to be a very smart move for us! David is getting so much more out of it this time around. And, since he is working on his handwriting, he is able to write the answers himself as I spell them out. I think this is reinforcing the concept. Still haven't quite working in the experiments but I think our schedule change will help that.

Starting Rachel in school: She doesn't always do her work every day but, she has workbooks and lessons incorporated right along with David. She is doing great at Road Trip and Science and has her own LA< writing, and math.

What we have had to tweak:
Schedule: My kids don't function at 8:30am when I wanted to start school. Now, we start at 9 and that is working great. But, I try to stick to 9 because they also don't like to return to the table after lunchtime. But, usually we do finish by 12:30 and David has only a bit of reading work to finish up in the afternoon. He doesn't mind because I sit and let him read aloud to me.

Naomi: Yeah, homeschooling with an almost 2 year old, not so much fun, AT ALL! But, we will make it through and next year, she will be able to sit at the table and work with us. In the meantime, I have racked my brain and come up with some things to keep her occupied. And, they DO, but, for only about 5 seconds.... Anyway, I have started putting her down for a short nap at 10:30 so we can get through the tough subjects that need me to focus with the kids. Although this screws up our afternoon routine of 3.5 peaceful, quiet no Naomi hours, but, gotta do what you gotta do!

Order of the week: I have changed our experiment day to Friday, that way, if no one wants to do it or we don't have time, I still get in all the crucial work. The experiments are something that I really need to step up on, but, I am getting there!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

Yes, mine were probably the only kids in America doing school yesterday, a national holiday. But, it was as good a day as any to start given that Daddy was home to help wrangle Naomi so we could get a good start.

It was a wonderful day, a fall like day, a day to enjoy together, a day to learn! And, that is what we did! David told me he really enjoyed Math U See and both kids enjoyed listening to our memory verse for the week.

No snag, but, I know they will come. Hopefully, we can get a few good weeks under our belts before they do. But, when the day is tiring or long or no one is in the mood, we will have options. Slow down, switch gears, take a day to play. But, the way our days come will be ours to manage. I love that!